What Is a Web Server? A Comprehensive Guide


The internet depends on web servers to deliver our daily online experiences through websites and applications
Picture yourself looking for a new recipe online. You type the website URL and your browser shows you a list of tempting recipes within seconds. Web servers quickly handle your request to display your desired content on your screen.

Web servers let people view websites by connecting them with the locations they want to visit on the internet. To access websites today, you need web servers to work behind the scenes.

When you use your browser to access a website, web servers store and deliver the website’s content to your computer. When you type a website address and press Enter, you send a message to the web server to show you that site. The server finds the website you need and returns the page to your computer.

Today’s internet has 1.8 billion websites working because of web servers. Current numbers show that around 300 million websites worldwide regularly use web servers to send information to their users.

This article covers what web servers are and what they do, how they work, and why they let you visit websites. Through reading you will learn how web servers enable the smooth operation of internet.

What Is a Web Server?

Web servers send the web content you need to your computer through the internet. Your browser asks a web server to send information when you visit a website. The server delivers the requested web page and data back to your browser.

Web servers consist of two main components: hardware and software.

  • Hardware: The physical machine contains all components of the server. The computer system contains a processor, memory, storage, and networking parts. The server hardware lets users send multiple requests instantly while keeping important files and data stored.
  • Software: Programs and applications handle all server management tasks. The HTTP server serves as the primary software tool that handles requests from web browsers and delivers the right web content to users. The type of software depends on how complex the website is and might include extra components such as application servers or databases.

These parts unite to let web servers deliver web pages and information to users which forms the core foundation of internet systems.

What Does a Web Server Do?

A web server manages the delivery of online content to users across the internet. Every time you access a website your browser asks for content and the web server delivers the requested web pages and data to your browser.

Core Functions of a Web Server:

  • Processing HTTP Requests: Your browser sends an HTTP request to the web server after you type a website address. The server interprets the request to find the proper action to take.
  • Delivering Static and Dynamic Content: A web server provides both stored content including HTML files and videos plus dynamic information from server-side scripts. When serving static content the server accesses stored files and sends them to the connected client. When serving dynamic content the server needs to contact databases or application servers to produce the requested information.
  • Managing Data Storage and Retrieval: Web servers save website content with HTML CSS and JavaScript files in their system. They retrieve user-requested files from storage and provide them effectively to users.

Request-Response Cycle:

The interaction between a client (like your web browser) and a web server follows a request-response cycle:

  • Request: The client makes an HTTP request to the server to access a requested item.
  • Processing: The server handles the request by obtaining static files or creating dynamic content.
  • Response: The server provides the client with the requested content as a response or delivers an error message when the content cannot be found.

What Is the Main Function of a Web Server?

A web server connects users to all the websites they visit every day. Your browser asks the web server to provide the website content when you submit its address. The server handles your request and sends back the web pages to show you on your browser.

Web servers and browsers connect through HTTP and HTTPS protocols for this interaction. HTTP establishes the rules for message formats and transmissions while specifying how servers and browsers handle different requests. Your browser uses HTTP to ask the server for content after you enter a URL or click a link.

SSL/TLS protocols enable HTTPS to safeguard your information by encrypting all traffic between your browser and the web server. HTTPS uses secure encryption to protect your password and credit card information from anyone who might attempt to intercept it.

Web servers serve as the critical support system of the internet that protects data exchanges between users and websites.

What Is an HTTP Server?

An HTTP server enables web browsers to connect with website servers to display web content. The HTTP request from your browser to the server delivers your URL or link information for the server to process and respond with content including HTML documents, pictures, and media files.

The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) regulates how internet messages are structured and sent between web components. HTTP servers understand user requests and provide the needed web materials with speed.

Users most often select Apache or Nginx as their HTTP server. The Apache HTTP Server began its service in 1995 and continues to lead the web server industry today. This free open-source software exists under Apache Software Foundation leadership.

Nginx was launched in 2004 as an open-source web server to solve connection performance problems for multiple requests at once. People like Nginx because it works fast and delivers static files quickly.

An HTTP server serves as a vital web communication tool that processes user demands and delivers proper content to maintain a smooth browsing flow.

  • Apache HTTP Server: Apache has been a key hosting provider since 1995. People can access and adjust the Apache HTTP Server for free, and it has tools that let them add new features. It runs most shared hosting websites around the world.

Read More: How Do I Make Sure My Website Doesn’t Crash?

Choosing the right web server is key to making sure your website can handle all visitors and grow as needed. Key factors to consider include:

  • Website Traffic Volume: The traffic your website gets will help you choose a server that can handle that level of use. Nginx works well for websites with many visitors because it’s designed to manage a large number of connection requests without slowing down. 
  • Content Type (Static vs. Dynamic): See if your site gives basic files or also changes based on user actions. Apache works best with dynamic content, while Nginx gives fast delivery of static content. 
  • Budget and Licensing Costs: Check how much you can spend. You can use Apache or Nginx for free, but Microsoft IIS comes at a price because it’s a proprietary server. 

Comparison of Popular Web Servers:

  1. – Apache HTTP Server: As a popular web server, Apache works well with many features because it offers different add-ons called modules. This web server works best when you need to process changing website content. 
  2. – Nginx: All websites and heavy traffic sites should pick Nginx because it works well with limited resources while delivering fast page loads. It works both as a proxy server that protects your website and distributes traffic evenly across multiple servers. 
  3. – Microsoft IIS: As part of Windows Server, IIS works well with ASP.NET and has strong security tools designed especially for Microsoft users. 

Your choice of web server should match your website’s unique needs. Combining these factors helps you pick the server that meets your performance, growth, and cost-saving goals most effectively. 

Web servers will keep getting smarter and better at handling modern digital systems as these trends grow.


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