Website Uptime Monitoring

Quick & accurate uptime and performance tracking solution, with super customizable and fast status pages.

How it works

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uptime dashboard

Over 3,426,845 Websites and Servers checks for a total of 243 monitors.
Love by users from over 98 countries

One-Stop Solution Designed For Website Owners and IT Experts


Easily monitor the uptime of your website, server, and ports 24/7.



Stay on top of your cron job and ensure they are effectively running.


Incident Alerts

Access info about the time and length of your server downtime and get notified via emails


Downtown Alerts

Website downtime alerts notifications to your email, SMS and Slack


Email notifications

Receive instant updates when the status of your tracked services changes.


Multi Location

We analyze your monitors from mult locations worldwide to curtail false positives.


second dashboard
the small view

Start Monitoring

Why Monitor Your Website Uptime?

The backbone of any functional IT infrastructure is its servers. For your applications to run at their best, your server hardware needs to be in good working condition, the servers need to have the right capacity to meet traffic, and there shouldn’t be any resource barrier or slowdown.

Real Time Monitoring

With our 365servermonitor uptime tool, you can access key performance metrics on web servers, SMTP, ports, websites and more to prevent downtime and server performance issues.

Instant Notification

Your website or server can crash or go down at any time. We will send you an instant notification, via email and/or Slack instantly.


Maximize Your Uptime Today in Three Easy Steps

Add Monitors

You can add a website or server to your list of uptime monitors in just a few seconds. Our UI was created with convenience and ease, making it incredibly simple to add, search for, change, and control all of your websites.


Receive Notifications

Our platform will continuously monitor your uptime monitors, up to once per minute, 24/7, and will alert you or your team if any issues are identified. You can create as many Contact Lists as you want, then link them to your Uptime Monitors.


Take Action

Once outage is identified, you’ll receive notifications so you can look into what caused it right away. Your system’s uptime monitors will create in-depth reports include details on uptime status, response times, downtime, diagnostics, and so on.


Why Use Our Sysytem

Server and application downtime will cost you money


01. Uptime Monitor

Track your website, server, app, ports availability seamlessly.

03. Status pages

Track your website, server, app, ports availability seamlessly.

04. Domain monitor

Monitor the availability of your application resources like cronjob etc.

02. Multiple Locations

Monitor the availability of your application resources like cronjob etc.

02. Heartbearts

Monitor the availability of your application resources like cronjob etc.

01. Track cronjobs

Track by sending a GET or POST request each time your cronjob runs.

07. Live dashboards

Track your website, server, app, ports availability seamlessly.

02. Extra useful tools

Check: DNS, IP, SSL, Whois and server, website and port Ping

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Beautiful App, Great Solution

Beautiful and live dashboard

Create public or private up-to-date stats. Display day-by-day analytics that includes Referrers & UTMs, Countries & Cities, Devices, browsers & operating systems, SSL & Domain expiration reminders. Most importantly, server and website uptime and Cronjob Monitoring
old dashboard

Updated Design

Experience our simple but sleek design.

Fully Customizable

Customize your dashboard according to your test

Fast Support

Reach out to us, we are here to help you!

We have made it easy

Our Integrations

Our platform is fully integrated with different platforms.  This helps us serve our users better and with the hassle of worrying about getting things to work.


Questions? We have got Answers!

Why Use

  • Clear and insightful data into your stack
  • Fix infrastructural issues ahead of time. Never after.
  • A central platform for dashboards, notifications, and other features
  • Pay as you use; No hidden charges
  • No credit card free trial.

Can I use free?

Yes, we provide a free no-credit card plan.


What are the benefits of

365servermonitor helps you as a business owner by making sure that your site doesn’t go offline for a long amount of time. It is worth remembering that one of the major causes of loss of earnings and customer is website outage.

If your website goes offline for a long period of time, unhappy customers and visitors will leave negative reviews without hesitation, thereby destroying any potential for success due to customer complaints.

Long downtimes leave visitors and customers with a bad impression that might be tough to repair. Who wants their website to be thought of as unprofessional and unreliable, after all? Your customer base will quickly switch to your competitor’s services.

365servermonitor can offer diagnostic reports with status codes, ping tests, and geolocation analyses. These reports give you the tools you need to pinpoint the issue with ease and find a solution so that your website can function properly once again.

How will I find out why my website is down? uses different communication channels to notify users as soon as their site, server, Cronjob etc, goes down. The following options are available: SMS, Email, Slack, Discord, WhatsApp and Webhook. You must activate or set your preferred means of notification from your dashboard. Once your website is offline, you will receive notification/s right away. If you have your team members connected, they will also receive alerts. The tool will also send a highly accurate error status report depending on the information offered to help you rectify the issues with your website. Some possible causes of issues include getting no response, unknown hosts and matching error messages. All error statuses are as specific as possible, allowing you to take quick action to fix the issue and get your site online.


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